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You Can Live History, Inc.



Experience the excitement of reenacting a Revolutionary War battle between the British and American States, or a Civil War battle between the American States.

We provide all the uniforms, equipment, muskets, cannons, and training. We also provide a movie crew, and a (short film) movie starring YOU. Our training includes drills, music, and storytelling authentic to the time of the Revolutionary War and Civil War eras. Reenactments will give you an experience you'll never forget!


Revolutionary War Reenactments Revolutionary War Reenactments Revolutionary War Reenactments


Revolutionary War Reenactments Revolutionary War Reenactments Revolutionary War Reenactments Revolutionary War Reenactments Revolutionary War Reenactments Revolutionary War Reenactments

If you have any other questions about our exciting educational programs, please do not hesitate to check out our PRICING INFO page and/or CONTACT US page by tapping the MENU.

© 1991, You Can Live History, Inc.
501c3 Nonprofit